Mtandao wa Jamii wa Usimamizi wa Misitu Tanzania



Mtandao wa Jamii wa Usimamizi wa Misitu Tanzania (MJUMITA) in English also known by “The Community Forest Conservation Network of Tanzania”. MJUMITA is an independent NGO, legally registered in 2007 under NGO act of 2002. It is a network of over 112 local community-based organizations (CBOs) with over 15,000 members in the villages involved in Participatory Forest Management (PFM) across Tanzania. The network provides a forum for capacity building, exchange of knowledge, advocacy and communication for across these groups and PFM villages in Tanzania. MJUMITA’s members are existing in 13 regions, 30 districts, 143 wards and 452 villages representing around 500 forest based local community groups and village forest management institutions under PFM programs

Word from Executive Director

By this century human have significantly outweighed the natural forest and altered earth’s climate system. In response to this alteration, the international communities are joining hands to respond back to normalcy. As one of the forest conservation network, MJUMITA join hands with other international and local communities to foster forest conservation by using locally available knowledge to the societies surrounding natural forests in Tanzania by bringing them together through locally designed networks to sustainably manage the available forests in form of advocacy, capacity building, good governance and sustainable land use practices. From this end, I call upon crosscutting policies, trans-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary responses to focus much on responding to our endangered natural forests for the integrity of our Earth’s ecosystems.


Capacity Building


Good Governance

Sustainable Forest Management

Climate Change